Friday, October 08, 2004

2 x 4: PhotoFriday

It's pretty difficult to complete this challenge when you live in a place which is not built on a grid system. We don't have several "blocks" of houses here and it was quite impossible to travel STRAIGHT in any one direction for 2 miles, let alone 4. So I decided to just follow the wiggly road for 2 miles, then turn right and continue down another one for a further 4. Here's what I found.  Posted by Hello


Blogger yourwaitress said...

that is just crazy mushsis. hehe. i love it. great job! ;-)

October 12, 2004 2:43 am  
Blogger mushsis said...

thanks gals :)

I was taken aback by this find, as the field which had presumably been sprayed with the acid was completely open - not even gated shut! There was just this sign pinned to a post warning people not to wander in...

crazy indeed! oh where the wiggly road can lead you ;)

October 12, 2004 4:44 pm  

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